Sunday, February 28, 2010
harap hari esok lebey mengembirakan
stress yes iam stress right now huhu mmg pon yelah papan kenyataan x siap lagi patu homework lagi adoii study pun ckit2 je serious x boley study kat rumah nanti aku tdo patu on9 soo kat library gaklah tempat yg boley aku berikan tumpuan sepenuhnye but skunk jarang nk gi sane sebab tuition pade hari ahad. nk hangout pun da jarang da skunk sorry zarul u nk jumpe i ek?? hahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahaahahahha . kenape aku memilih tuition weekend ek?? ha lagi satu an kalu kat tuisyen asyik aku je yg kene panggil tuk jawab soalan kat depan cute sgt ke aku ni hahah (aku malas nk tuition malam, nanti aku tdo) besok fuh mesti ''happy'' kan?? sebab ade perhimpunan,patu kne stay kat skolah sampai kul bape tah maybe kul 3 sbb nk settelkn papan kenyataan kelab geo. dlm hati ni mmg mals nk stay kat skolah sampai petang sbb panas,and rimas huh harap2 esok papan kenyataan tu siap 100%. aku mmg da malas nk hadap bende ni sume hahah next week exam wahhh "x sabar rasenye" nazurah dapat fon baru owhhhh!! ade skandal ngn cine tu ek siap bg pinjam fon lagi hahahah. kepade amirah hussain yes!! yes!! finally ko megaku kalah aku da cakap ko xnk caye kepak tu hanye untuk aku he mine hahahah. krisis ni aku rase da berakhir da (rasenye lah) kepade pembace blog ni jgnlah igt aku ngn mira gado btul2 ini semua hanyelah drama semate2...kepade adk kepak emmm ko mmg macho sentiaselah kami hanye usha ko camtu2 je wekkkkk. td aku tanye shafiqah kenape x dtg tusyen smalam patu die kate die gi explorace (aik dak skolah lain pun tau pasal ni aku yg skolah kat cni pun x tau) yelah aku an bkn klab rekreasi but explorace best kowtt kalau aku tau awal 2maybe aku join aktiviti tu. geng?? mestilah ade teringat time form 2 wat explorace hekhekhek kelakar+penat=bestttttt walaupun x menang but perjalanan nk sampai ke garisan penamat tu bapak ar adventure giler2. owh yaa kepade meeramilo terime kasih manyak2 sebab ajak i tuk gi karnival skolah u. i x dpat gi sebab ade hal ckit kalu i ley drive i angkut sume kwn2 i gi sane hekhekhek. cauuuu yaww!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
especially to amirah hussain!!!
hekhekhek hey u hahah!!! tlg jgn dengki ngn aku hahah adik kepak aku nye
ko ckp aku bnyk skadal?? ko pon same gak
nk aku sebut satu2
please mira bg je ''kepak'' tu kat aku??
ko ngadu pe ar kat aida? hekhekkk
situasi di atas merupakan satu konflik yg agak bangang ckit ar antare aku ngn mira, secare kebetulan meminati orang yg same, (huh but mira x nk mengalah ngn aku) sape name budaknye?? ehh mane boley cakap kat cni nk mati ke ape yg penting die baik,beriman,style,lawak dan hendsome hahaha.oh yea emmm ade lagi sorang dak pompuan suke kat ''kepak'' ni gak (our enemy yg paling2 aku ngn mira benci) huh. kenape kami berdua memanggilnye kepak?? yeahh hanye geng2 kitorunk je tau hahahah. sekali lagi kepade amirah hussain pleasee!! kepak aku nye. hahah ko suke lah kat manoj ke,naqi ke, zakwan ke (handsome gak tu mira) abg kantin pon bley thn gak mira (bley ko pau cendawan goreng hari2)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Happy besday nurul ain miley ray hahaha!!
hey..hey u know what today is my birthday hahaha iam 17 now hoho iam getting old right?? mira hussain thanks sbb post ko yg kat blog tu wowwwwwwwwwww haha, by the way adik kepak aku punye tau. not yours!!!!! hahahah umur sudah semakin meningkat dan rase sgt2 bersyukur sbb dpt idup lagi kat dunia ini. hati pun senang.owh yaa thankss kepade orng2 yg sudeh pun wish kat aku. nazurah,makngah,my parents,ateh, mira,nisa,yana.wanjak,akim,sabri eerrr bnyak ar huhuhu kepade zulikha illya thankss a lot sbb present patung yg ko bagi tu sgt2 comel aku suke sgt2 lg satu td aku dpt kiss dari cikgu noredah wahhhhh (bapak batak aku). disini gak aku nk ucap berbanyak2 terime kasih for my mom Pn Rokiah and my dad En Baharuddin yg bersusah payah jage ank tunggul cam aku ni hahahaha and also for my ateh yg jage ain sejak ain baby sampai skunk still lagi di bawah ketiak ateh (ye ke?) jarang da skunk. hahahaha. haha kesimpulannye skunk ialah happy birthday girl..girl
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
happy besday eika and dayahh
Saturday, February 20, 2010
mamat ni bodoh!!! fight!! fight!!
mmg cam babi an dak niy. nk cakap aku x pandai bi.. so what aku x pandai pun aku x de ar berlagak mcm ko giler...try ko lawan kuiz sejarah ngn aku tgk sape paling terer??? sudah tentunye aku an?? (skunk i plak nk berlagak ngn u). mamat bodoh ni cakap aku ni x de class ngn die aku hot okk!!!! uhhh class sgt ke die tu??? aku tgk ari tu kuar masuk butik zara just tgk2 je x beli pun. kateee kaye beli jelah barang kat zara tu bkn tgk2 je lah siallllll. da ar looserrr kate je budak science streammm but peranagi mcm budak klas khas (OKU) fuck ar u farezzzzz da ar pendek nk cakap aku fatty plak.. aku fatty pun aku Hot ok and tinggi!!! such a playerrr!!! malang sape jd gf u kan??? patu mamat bodoh ni mcm nk ugut2 plak die kate just be careful. hey aku ade comunity sendirilahh (KSS foreverrr!! luv u all) wehhh ko sorang kitorang beratus la sial!! kat bwan ni sume ape yg aku YM ngn mamat bodoh ni enjoy it
muhdfareezhuan: Hye..
nurul_ain9393: hey
muhdfareezhuan: That day u kte u xde gnggu gf i...
nurul_ain9393: ye ar
muhdfareezhuan: bt wat are u trying to do to her..??
nurul_ain9393: pe u ni??
muhdfareezhuan: u pretend in front of me that u have done nothing towards her..
muhdfareezhuan: bt then u hv disturb her ryte..
muhdfareezhuan: jz tell me the truth..
nurul_ain9393: i x pnah kacu gf u
nurul_ain9393: and x penah knl die
muhdfareezhuan: can u plz stop all ur drama n stop distubing her
nurul_ain9393: u nk sgt ke i kco gf u tu
muhdfareezhuan: she's my gf..
muhdfareezhuan: tia..
muhdfareezhuan: plz dun disturb her again..
muhdfareezhuan: otherwise u will be in trouble..
nurul_ain9393: heyyyy what the hell are u talking about
muhdfareezhuan: i'm not trying to threaten u bt thats wat i can say now.
nurul_ain9393: i x penah knal gf u
muhdfareezhuan: i'm telling u the truth..
nurul_ain9393: u tau x
nurul_ain9393: ju ni suke mempermainkan ornag
nurul_ain9393: nk ugut2 i plak
muhdfareezhuan: spell properly plz..
nurul_ain9393: suke ati ar
muhdfareezhuan: i can't understand wat are u talking about
nurul_ain9393: lantak u arr
muhdfareezhuan: dun tell me that i never warn u k..
nurul_ain9393: playerr
nurul_ain9393: loser!!!!!!!!!!!!
muhdfareezhuan: do..???
muhdfareezhuan: so..??
nurul_ain9393: loserrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
muhdfareezhuan: u jealous with it..
muhdfareezhuan: fatty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nurul_ain9393: loooooserrrrrrrrrrrrr
nurul_ain9393: pendekkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
muhdfareezhuan: small boobs.......
muhdfareezhuan: fatty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
muhdfareezhuan: ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nurul_ain9393: so whatttttttt
nurul_ain9393: blah arrrrr
nurul_ain9393: berlagakkk
nurul_ain9393: looooooserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
nurul_ain9393: sooo whattt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nurul_ain9393: bluekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
muhdfareezhuan: DON'T U UNDERSTAND ENGLISH..
muhdfareezhuan: owh lpe plak u kan xpndi bi..
nurul_ain9393: malas nk layan owng sewel cam uuuu
muhdfareezhuan: tolong jangan urusan hidup i lagi....
nurul_ain9393: sape nk kacu hidup u x igin laaaaaaaaa
nurul_ain9393: pegy blah lahhh
muhdfareezhuan: i pun malas nk lyn org xpndi mcm u..
muhdfareezhuan: no class being frenz with me..
nurul_ain9393: u ar x pandai
nurul_ain9393: u igt u tu classs sgt ke
muhdfareezhuan: yes i am
nurul_ain9393: berlagak arrrrr
nurul_ain9393: wtf
muhdfareezhuan: thankz....
muhdfareezhuan: bye2 small boobs..
muhdfareezhuan: ugly..
nurul_ain9393: u akn dapat balasan nye nanti
muhdfareezhuan: be careful...
muhdfareezhuan: i hv warned u already...
muhdfareezhuan: i will gv u something special..
muhdfareezhuan: jz wait...
muhdfareezhuan: have fun small boobs...
muhdfareezhuan: bye2 FATTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nurul_ain9393: bye looserr
cam pundek an mamat bodoh ni mamat bodoh ni igt aku takut ke ngn die.... just wait farezzzz i ade surprise utuk u
P/S mamat bodoh ni x tau buat blog, lagi ar ++++++++++bodoh
muhdfareezhuan: Hye..
nurul_ain9393: hey
muhdfareezhuan: That day u kte u xde gnggu gf i...
nurul_ain9393: ye ar
muhdfareezhuan: bt wat are u trying to do to her..??
nurul_ain9393: pe u ni??
muhdfareezhuan: u pretend in front of me that u have done nothing towards her..
muhdfareezhuan: bt then u hv disturb her ryte..
muhdfareezhuan: jz tell me the truth..
nurul_ain9393: i x pnah kacu gf u
nurul_ain9393: and x penah knl die
muhdfareezhuan: can u plz stop all ur drama n stop distubing her
nurul_ain9393: u nk sgt ke i kco gf u tu
muhdfareezhuan: she's my gf..
muhdfareezhuan: tia..
muhdfareezhuan: plz dun disturb her again..
muhdfareezhuan: otherwise u will be in trouble..
nurul_ain9393: heyyyy what the hell are u talking about
muhdfareezhuan: i'm not trying to threaten u bt thats wat i can say now.
nurul_ain9393: i x penah knal gf u
muhdfareezhuan: i'm telling u the truth..
nurul_ain9393: u tau x
nurul_ain9393: ju ni suke mempermainkan ornag
nurul_ain9393: nk ugut2 i plak
muhdfareezhuan: spell properly plz..
nurul_ain9393: suke ati ar
muhdfareezhuan: i can't understand wat are u talking about
nurul_ain9393: lantak u arr
muhdfareezhuan: dun tell me that i never warn u k..
nurul_ain9393: playerr
nurul_ain9393: loser!!!!!!!!!!!!
muhdfareezhuan: do..???
muhdfareezhuan: so..??
nurul_ain9393: loserrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
muhdfareezhuan: u jealous with it..
muhdfareezhuan: fatty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nurul_ain9393: loooooserrrrrrrrrrrrr
nurul_ain9393: pendekkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
muhdfareezhuan: small boobs.......
muhdfareezhuan: fatty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
muhdfareezhuan: ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nurul_ain9393: so whatttttttt
nurul_ain9393: blah arrrrr
nurul_ain9393: berlagakkk
nurul_ain9393: looooooserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
nurul_ain9393: sooo whattt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nurul_ain9393: bluekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
muhdfareezhuan: DON'T U UNDERSTAND ENGLISH..
muhdfareezhuan: owh lpe plak u kan xpndi bi..
nurul_ain9393: malas nk layan owng sewel cam uuuu
muhdfareezhuan: tolong jangan urusan hidup i lagi....
nurul_ain9393: sape nk kacu hidup u x igin laaaaaaaaa
nurul_ain9393: pegy blah lahhh
muhdfareezhuan: i pun malas nk lyn org xpndi mcm u..
muhdfareezhuan: no class being frenz with me..
nurul_ain9393: u ar x pandai
nurul_ain9393: u igt u tu classs sgt ke
muhdfareezhuan: yes i am
nurul_ain9393: berlagak arrrrr
nurul_ain9393: wtf
muhdfareezhuan: thankz....
muhdfareezhuan: bye2 small boobs..
muhdfareezhuan: ugly..
nurul_ain9393: u akn dapat balasan nye nanti
muhdfareezhuan: be careful...
muhdfareezhuan: i hv warned u already...
muhdfareezhuan: i will gv u something special..
muhdfareezhuan: jz wait...
muhdfareezhuan: have fun small boobs...
muhdfareezhuan: bye2 FATTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nurul_ain9393: bye looserr
cam pundek an mamat bodoh ni mamat bodoh ni igt aku takut ke ngn die.... just wait farezzzz i ade surprise utuk u
P/S mamat bodoh ni x tau buat blog, lagi ar ++++++++++bodoh
Friday, February 19, 2010
hey korunk love u soo much
hari ni nk cakap pasal kwnn je... boley kan?? kan?? aku nk korunk tau aku sayang sgt kat korunk walaupun kite sering caarut mencarut antare satu same lain, pukul memukul and perli memerli haha but fun lah kwn ngn korunk lets check it out!!
Amirah hussein
stat kwn ngn die dari form 2 hahaha stat rapat sjak mengajar budak kwt haha aku igt lg kowt huhuhu. die ni pade pendapat aku ya allah!!!! ssh nk cakap camne perangai die kadang2 baik kadang2 jahat gak ar (jujur siot) hahahaha kalu kat skolah dimane ade meera disitulah ade ain dimane ade ain disitulah ade mira kalu mira x dtg mesti tanye aku.
bidayatul hidayah
giler lame aku kwn ngn ko dayah dari form 1 kut mmg giler2 rapat lah ngn die.. dayah ni sensitif kowt kalu majok abislahhhh hahah dari form1 sampai form 3 aku duk sekelas but sjk msuk form4 da x same da. sbb die lebey pandai dari aku soo stay jelah kat klas chimaera (rindu sgt time aku still lagi di chimaera class)
noraida yafizam
ni lagilah kelakar giler stat kwn ngn die mase form 1 memule knl gune "saye" "awk" bler da lame2 amikkk ko!!! hahahaha aida ni chiil je orgnye suare cam jantan ckit, puitis orngnye,pandai, penyabar ar gakkk.. hahaha
pun stat kwn ngn die scince form1 org first yg aku jumpe kat skolah menengah dielah hahah yelah aku kan dak baru skolah rendah kat 18 soo x knl sgt ngn dak2 skolah 19. nisa pun lembut haaa owng pgil die kat skolah chicok (tah maane tah dapat name tu) hahah nisa sbalh kelas aku je and pengawas gak.
knal eika juge dri form 1 rapat giler2 science form3. slalu bg nasihat kat aku thanks eika die ni garang gak ar penah dulu baling botol kat orng bapak ganas ko eika!! hahah skunk jarang da jumpe die cuz da klaas lain kan
rapat ngn yana stat form4 klas kitorunk bersebelhan je kan. die ni ok lah gak aku x bnyak cakap sgt ngn die tpi slalu lah hangout sesame, shinee shinee!! (peminat setia korea) itulah yana
die ni pun tingtong gak giler!!! x tau nk cite ape pasal ko azureen sebenarnye aku benci ko hahahahha just kidding yaww ko rock lah
dak ni rapat ngn die sjak form4 mak die ckigu kat skolah kitorunk perangai die ni kadang2 menyakitkan ati akuu lantak kolah fqah hahahha. sesitif?? emmm x sensitif rasenye dak ni pe ko?? hahah asyik ayat tu je...
Amirah hussein
stat kwn ngn die dari form 2 hahaha stat rapat sjak mengajar budak kwt haha aku igt lg kowt huhuhu. die ni pade pendapat aku ya allah!!!! ssh nk cakap camne perangai die kadang2 baik kadang2 jahat gak ar (jujur siot) hahahaha kalu kat skolah dimane ade meera disitulah ade ain dimane ade ain disitulah ade mira kalu mira x dtg mesti tanye aku.
bidayatul hidayah
giler lame aku kwn ngn ko dayah dari form 1 kut mmg giler2 rapat lah ngn die.. dayah ni sensitif kowt kalu majok abislahhhh hahah dari form1 sampai form 3 aku duk sekelas but sjk msuk form4 da x same da. sbb die lebey pandai dari aku soo stay jelah kat klas chimaera (rindu sgt time aku still lagi di chimaera class)
noraida yafizam
ni lagilah kelakar giler stat kwn ngn die mase form 1 memule knl gune "saye" "awk" bler da lame2 amikkk ko!!! hahahaha aida ni chiil je orgnye suare cam jantan ckit, puitis orngnye,pandai, penyabar ar gakkk.. hahaha
pun stat kwn ngn die scince form1 org first yg aku jumpe kat skolah menengah dielah hahah yelah aku kan dak baru skolah rendah kat 18 soo x knl sgt ngn dak2 skolah 19. nisa pun lembut haaa owng pgil die kat skolah chicok (tah maane tah dapat name tu) hahah nisa sbalh kelas aku je and pengawas gak.
knal eika juge dri form 1 rapat giler2 science form3. slalu bg nasihat kat aku thanks eika die ni garang gak ar penah dulu baling botol kat orng bapak ganas ko eika!! hahah skunk jarang da jumpe die cuz da klaas lain kan
rapat ngn yana stat form4 klas kitorunk bersebelhan je kan. die ni ok lah gak aku x bnyak cakap sgt ngn die tpi slalu lah hangout sesame, shinee shinee!! (peminat setia korea) itulah yana
die ni pun tingtong gak giler!!! x tau nk cite ape pasal ko azureen sebenarnye aku benci ko hahahahha just kidding yaww ko rock lah
dak ni rapat ngn die sjak form4 mak die ckigu kat skolah kitorunk perangai die ni kadang2 menyakitkan ati akuu lantak kolah fqah hahahha. sesitif?? emmm x sensitif rasenye dak ni pe ko?? hahah asyik ayat tu je...
1.2.3 Chimaera misss u all!!!!!
klas aku dari form1-3 rindu kowt tapi paling rindu form 3 ar
and now
iam 5wira
"Bestt sgt sgt""
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
seriosly i can't believe it
kan best kalu sume lovestory kite cam cite snow white,enchanted and sume fairytales walt disney kan..kan... and alsoo mcm sume lagu sweet taylor swift. tapi x pade aku.(pe ni emo2 plak)
x de aku just nk cakap nape lah si juling tu muncul balik dongg aku da lupekan die. patu kelmarin ym plak ngn die. lagilah aku feeling abis. even tu sume cite dulu hahaha. tah lah aku teigt time aku gedik2 ngn die hahaha adoooooooooooo asal ni!! asal ni!!! patu td aku comment die, die reply (tau2 je lah juling ni ssh nk reply comment aku). ah mase blik dari sunway pyramid terserempak plak ngn die kat 20 die tgh drive tapi x pasan aku, yelahh semakin cute bluekkkk stop it ain eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee owh god iam still love him?? emmm no commentlah....
x de aku just nk cakap nape lah si juling tu muncul balik dongg aku da lupekan die. patu kelmarin ym plak ngn die. lagilah aku feeling abis. even tu sume cite dulu hahaha. tah lah aku teigt time aku gedik2 ngn die hahaha adoooooooooooo asal ni!! asal ni!!! patu td aku comment die, die reply (tau2 je lah juling ni ssh nk reply comment aku). ah mase blik dari sunway pyramid terserempak plak ngn die kat 20 die tgh drive tapi x pasan aku, yelahh semakin cute bluekkkk stop it ain eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee owh god iam still love him?? emmm no commentlah....
hari ni aku kuar gi library (alonee) hahah nk wat keje skolah huh finally done!! good job ain haha bangge kowt.
ain siap homework (nah cikgu amik ni da siap daa) kwn2 aku sume x bagi respon pun nk gi library so aku gi sorang lahh. (ternyata aku x sorang2) sebab sampai sane terjumpe ika ngn nina so aku duk skali lah ngn diorang da tidak berape lame kemudian ema,rat, ngn bad dtg soo lepak skali lah. tempat sume full soo terpakselah duk kat celah2 almari ha lpe plak kat sane pun aku terjumpe ngn classmate aku ainin ngn farina study!! study!! aku wat homework ekonomi (aku hentap je buat) patu copy paste jawapan science dari buku fqah... lpas tuh ema lapar plak soo gi ar pizza kat sacc mall mkn lah giler (gemok aku) mmg pun. hahah patu aku x trus balik aku pegy umah makcik kesayangan aku haha lepak jap sampai malm dan sekarang baru aku berade di rumahku shurgaaku
ain siap homework (nah cikgu amik ni da siap daa) kwn2 aku sume x bagi respon pun nk gi library so aku gi sorang lahh. (ternyata aku x sorang2) sebab sampai sane terjumpe ika ngn nina so aku duk skali lah ngn diorang da tidak berape lame kemudian ema,rat, ngn bad dtg soo lepak skali lah. tempat sume full soo terpakselah duk kat celah2 almari ha lpe plak kat sane pun aku terjumpe ngn classmate aku ainin ngn farina study!! study!! aku wat homework ekonomi (aku hentap je buat) patu copy paste jawapan science dari buku fqah... lpas tuh ema lapar plak soo gi ar pizza kat sacc mall mkn lah giler (gemok aku) mmg pun. hahah patu aku x trus balik aku pegy umah makcik kesayangan aku haha lepak jap sampai malm dan sekarang baru aku berade di rumahku shurgaaku
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
hangout timee!! wit my frennd

hangout time wit my frend gi pyramid best la gak boring kut duk umah aku,mira,yana ngn nisa je pegy and mat. (aku x tau pun mat gi last2 minute bru tau) pape je lah.kitorunk gi tangkap pic kat photo box santikkk gambar die giler2 santik ar. patu kitorunk jln2, patu jln2 agy,makan and jln2 lagi hahahahahaha. ha patu an gi lah makan makanan jepun namedie toki (ni mat yg cakap) tako lah sedap kut tapi ramuannye aku x bape sure ar tapi sedap kut hahahah
Monday, February 15, 2010
just read yawww

dalam perjalanan tu nazurah haus lah plak tu lah beli air ni owng yg jual air kat perhentian tu "ketuk" kitorunk kowt air mahal giler rm2.00 lebey kut huhu pundekkk kambing ayammm.soo inilah air kegemaran aku ice lemon tea ooolala

lpas tu kitoruk igt nk benti kat perhentian tapah but fulll gilerrr soo kitoruk makan kat............
ehhh kat ne ekk?? pape jelah asalkan makannn soo inilah makann yg kitorunk order nasi ayam utuk 4 owng makan. not bad ar (mmg lah not bad aku belasah je) cite pasal makan aku makin gemuk kut huh seyes aku x jage makn skunk ape yg ade aku makan,makn . it not good ain

haaa!!! inilah rumh jiran tokteh aku haha sje je wat photoshoot kat cni cuz kat dpn umah tokteh ade owng ngh sembang xkn nk tangkap gambar kat citu kut

ni plak kat butik akak eja and sbalh butik die plak kedai bundel kepunyaan pakngah. first time aku dtg cni.butik ni dekat dlm UNITEN ah aku pnah keje tau ngn kak eja ni (akak kepade nazurah tingtong) ahahah soo dtglah beramai2 kat butik ni and also kedai bundle.owh ye lpas je pegi umah tok teh aku x balik umah teus but tdo umah nazurah

haaa!!! inilah rumh jiran tokteh aku haha sje je wat photoshoot kat cni cuz kat dpn umah tokteh ade owng ngh sembang xkn nk tangkap gambar kat citu kut

ni plak kat butik akak eja and sbalh butik die plak kedai bundel kepunyaan pakngah. first time aku dtg cni.butik ni dekat dlm UNITEN ah aku pnah keje tau ngn kak eja ni (akak kepade nazurah tingtong) ahahah soo dtglah beramai2 kat butik ni and also kedai bundle.owh ye lpas je pegi umah tok teh aku x balik umah teus but tdo umah nazurah
Friday, February 12, 2010
The meaning of scorpio
The meaning of sign SCORPIO
Eighth sign of the zodiacYour element: WaterYour ruling planet: Mars and PlutoTarot card corresponding to your sign: Death Your lucky color: BlackYour stone: AmethystFirst, a word about your tarot card, the significance of which might be worrying you. Know that, in the symbolism of the tarot, Death indicates that which dies in order to be born anew in a better form. When it is reversed the Death card may indeed mean the end of something. But when it is right side up it evokes rebirth, renewal, a new beginning. This is characteristic of your sign. You sometimes have a tendency to link the very good with the very negative.Like all the signs of Water you are a very deep, mysterious, unfathomable being, sometimes inaccessible and uncontrollable. Your unconscious is so strong and so rich that psychoanalysis seems to have been invented for you. Your imagination is very powerful and very fertile. When you were very young, for example, you had thoughts which exceeded those of other children your age.With you there is no chance of either dullness or mediocrity. You have a taste for the absolute, and this is why existence sometimes seems difficult to you. You would like your life to be in perpetual movement, always fed by novelty and the exceptional. This isn't always easy to achieve, and you don't always give yourself the means to make it happen, even when great changes pass within your reach.The influence of Mars can make you combative and masterful. But be careful, because Pluto stirs up your deepest doubts and worries in order to draw you towards failure. This opposition means that sometimes you end up destroying what you love.In love, you have many requirements and many spiritual states that others sometimes have difficulty following. You occasionally run the risk of ruining relationships by giving too much importance to difficulties which could have been resolved with more understanding. You are fully conscious of your great qualities: an enterprising spirit, imagination, sensuality, charm, magnetism. But you also know your faults: desire for control, self-injurious behavior, impassioned behavior, tendency to complicate things and situations.Your relations to the other signs:You get along fairly well with Cancers as long as both your imaginations are alike; if not, the relationships risk being superficial. You should learn to truly appreciate certain aspects of Capricorns, who may be able to bring you a lot. You risk getting into conflict with Tauruses as soon as these relations become too close. With Geminis certain passions can become excessive and end badly. Aquariuses have an instinctive tendency to flee from you. It's up to you to decide whether you want to win them over.This short, unassuming analysis can help you to better conduct your existence. To learn to know yourself better allows you to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.The people who succeed in life are often those who know consciously or unconsciously to make the most of their talents, their advantages, and their strengths, while understanding how to maintain control over their weaknesses.
Eighth sign of the zodiacYour element: WaterYour ruling planet: Mars and PlutoTarot card corresponding to your sign: Death Your lucky color: BlackYour stone: AmethystFirst, a word about your tarot card, the significance of which might be worrying you. Know that, in the symbolism of the tarot, Death indicates that which dies in order to be born anew in a better form. When it is reversed the Death card may indeed mean the end of something. But when it is right side up it evokes rebirth, renewal, a new beginning. This is characteristic of your sign. You sometimes have a tendency to link the very good with the very negative.Like all the signs of Water you are a very deep, mysterious, unfathomable being, sometimes inaccessible and uncontrollable. Your unconscious is so strong and so rich that psychoanalysis seems to have been invented for you. Your imagination is very powerful and very fertile. When you were very young, for example, you had thoughts which exceeded those of other children your age.With you there is no chance of either dullness or mediocrity. You have a taste for the absolute, and this is why existence sometimes seems difficult to you. You would like your life to be in perpetual movement, always fed by novelty and the exceptional. This isn't always easy to achieve, and you don't always give yourself the means to make it happen, even when great changes pass within your reach.The influence of Mars can make you combative and masterful. But be careful, because Pluto stirs up your deepest doubts and worries in order to draw you towards failure. This opposition means that sometimes you end up destroying what you love.In love, you have many requirements and many spiritual states that others sometimes have difficulty following. You occasionally run the risk of ruining relationships by giving too much importance to difficulties which could have been resolved with more understanding. You are fully conscious of your great qualities: an enterprising spirit, imagination, sensuality, charm, magnetism. But you also know your faults: desire for control, self-injurious behavior, impassioned behavior, tendency to complicate things and situations.Your relations to the other signs:You get along fairly well with Cancers as long as both your imaginations are alike; if not, the relationships risk being superficial. You should learn to truly appreciate certain aspects of Capricorns, who may be able to bring you a lot. You risk getting into conflict with Tauruses as soon as these relations become too close. With Geminis certain passions can become excessive and end badly. Aquariuses have an instinctive tendency to flee from you. It's up to you to decide whether you want to win them over.This short, unassuming analysis can help you to better conduct your existence. To learn to know yourself better allows you to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.The people who succeed in life are often those who know consciously or unconsciously to make the most of their talents, their advantages, and their strengths, while understanding how to maintain control over their weaknesses.
The Meaning of pisces
The meaning of sign PISCES
Twelfth sign of the zodiac.Your element: waterYour planet: NeptuneThe tarot card corresponding to your sign: The moonYour lucky color: BlueYour gemstone: AquamarineLike others of your sign your inner life is intense, your imagination is very strong and your subconscious strongly influences your daily life. You feel things very deeply and your sensitivity makes you notice that which others might miss. This leads you at times to be susceptible and can create problems with people who do not understand your point of view.You feel joy and sorrow deeply. Your childhood memories marked you for life. You dream a lot and your dreams are so vivid that you are impressed by their apparent reality. Jupiter and Neptune influence you in opposite ways as one leads you towards social activity and other towards the inner life and a desire for some isolation. This can cause you difficulty in taking timely action. You often act when it is too late and the consequent failures are painful to you as you are far from thoughtless.What great dreams and aspirations you have! Your sign is that of the greatest sensitivity; that of dreams which become reality, of deep longings and of tales which come true.Your great intuitiveness is perhaps the strongest of any in the signs of the zodiac. You sometimes feel that some of your dreams will come true and this may in fact happen..Your relations with other signs of the zodiac:You tend to seek out the more dynamic signs such as the Aries, Taurus, Scorpios and Capricorns although these may at times harm you.You are one of the rare signs who can tolerate for any length of time the air signs: Aquarius, Libra and above all Gemini on condition you can take much upon yourself which will not always be positive. You may have valid and lasting relationships, despite certain obstacles, with those born under the sign of Cancer.This brief and simple analysis may help you to better lead your life. To know oneself makes it possible to maximize one's strong points and minimize one's weaknesses.Successful people are often those who have consciously or unconsciously made the best of their gifts, assets and strengths while at the same time controlling their weaknesses.
Twelfth sign of the zodiac.Your element: waterYour planet: NeptuneThe tarot card corresponding to your sign: The moonYour lucky color: BlueYour gemstone: AquamarineLike others of your sign your inner life is intense, your imagination is very strong and your subconscious strongly influences your daily life. You feel things very deeply and your sensitivity makes you notice that which others might miss. This leads you at times to be susceptible and can create problems with people who do not understand your point of view.You feel joy and sorrow deeply. Your childhood memories marked you for life. You dream a lot and your dreams are so vivid that you are impressed by their apparent reality. Jupiter and Neptune influence you in opposite ways as one leads you towards social activity and other towards the inner life and a desire for some isolation. This can cause you difficulty in taking timely action. You often act when it is too late and the consequent failures are painful to you as you are far from thoughtless.What great dreams and aspirations you have! Your sign is that of the greatest sensitivity; that of dreams which become reality, of deep longings and of tales which come true.Your great intuitiveness is perhaps the strongest of any in the signs of the zodiac. You sometimes feel that some of your dreams will come true and this may in fact happen..Your relations with other signs of the zodiac:You tend to seek out the more dynamic signs such as the Aries, Taurus, Scorpios and Capricorns although these may at times harm you.You are one of the rare signs who can tolerate for any length of time the air signs: Aquarius, Libra and above all Gemini on condition you can take much upon yourself which will not always be positive. You may have valid and lasting relationships, despite certain obstacles, with those born under the sign of Cancer.This brief and simple analysis may help you to better lead your life. To know oneself makes it possible to maximize one's strong points and minimize one's weaknesses.Successful people are often those who have consciously or unconsciously made the best of their gifts, assets and strengths while at the same time controlling their weaknesses.
my last sport day (stadium matshushita shah alam)
SMKS rock!!! my last sportday for this year hohoho really ain??? can"t believe it.. hahah soo pagi td ayah aku anta sampai stadium dlm 7.15 da sampai. ble sampai je trus duk kat port umah laksamana why?? ske ati aku lah giler (aku x duk kat port umah aku bendahara) bercerita pasal acara plak aku x masuk pape pun cuz aritu da bertanding da and kalah hahah cam pundek kan. acare bermule dgn acara perbarisan emmm taun ni xde kawad tuk badan2 beruniform. (boring ckit ar) nk wat camne kan hurmmm.acara perbarisan dimulekan ngn Lembaga Pengawas ohhhhhh pengawas hebat plak!! aku bangge jadi pengawas SMKS19 hahah and still x pecaye yg aku sudah jadi pengaws. lpas tu acare diteruskan ngn rumah2 sukan iaitu. bendahara(biru), laksamana(merah), syahbandar(ijau), panglima(ungu). tapi taun ni cam lain ckit ar sbb salah seorang owng yang aku sayang x lepak same2 ngn aku emm nk wat camne aku rase cam die x suke tgk muke aku yg cute ni..haha but td die lari soo aku cherr dari blakang je lah taun ni pun x de cheer nape?? emm ntahhhhh. anyway rumah sukan aku KALAH. uhh loser gler
hahah balik plak aku x surekul bape ar tapi yg pasti aku blik cepat naik kete meera huh syurgaaaaaaaaaaaa cuz dapat aircond kat luar panas glerr2 babi ar babi pun x panas camtu haha naseb baik nisa bwk sunblock. aowh yaaaa emm gambar time sukan ade but nantilah aku uplod cuz ade kat miraa. bnyak kut gambar yg terbaik je akn dipilih utuk dimasukkn dlm blog soo just wait hahahaha. soo next year tiade lagi aku bertanddang kat stadium tu
hahah balik plak aku x surekul bape ar tapi yg pasti aku blik cepat naik kete meera huh syurgaaaaaaaaaaaa cuz dapat aircond kat luar panas glerr2 babi ar babi pun x panas camtu haha naseb baik nisa bwk sunblock. aowh yaaaa emm gambar time sukan ade but nantilah aku uplod cuz ade kat miraa. bnyak kut gambar yg terbaik je akn dipilih utuk dimasukkn dlm blog soo just wait hahahaha. soo next year tiade lagi aku bertanddang kat stadium tu
Thursday, February 11, 2010

what title that i should put there?? emmmm no need a title right??hahah totally2 gedik. boring giler nk mapos kut (kan da cakap kasar da) yes iam gedik huhuhu tp x lah gedik sgt. boring kut soo webcam lah. feel like want make a call but i dont have a credit ayah tak bagi duit top up,duit buku je bagi hahah and i never get what i want. why?? also ask my dad (kenape ayah?) ayah jawab " use ur own money jgn nk arapkan ayh je" nk wat camne kan da naseb patutlah jadi camne giler tak tentu pasal duk sorang2 dlm bilik jd camni,
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Pertukaran Pelajar Ke Luar Negara
hey.. smalam pn Mazni wat anoucement pasal pertukaran pelajar ke Australia,london and emmm lpe ar lagi satu country. objektif bende ni dibuat aku x bape nk sure but sebagai owang yang batak cam aku, aku nk gi ar but perbelanjaannye kire2 dalam rm8000++ camtulah wow parent aku sure2 x kasi aku gi. first perbelanjaannye and second kalu mak bapak aku kaye pun aku tetap x dpt gi (aku x suke dimanje2 begini) aku nk kuar pun kne disoal siasat,on9 pun ditanye chat ngn sape, nikan plak nk gi oversea haha snang cite sume bende x bley buat. ain da besar ar da mtang daaaa and da nk masuk sweet17 da pun hahah, kesimpulannye aku x dapat nk join pertukaran plajar tu. nk jual laptop aku pun agak2 bape jew yg dapat hurmmmmmmmm. nak je aku cakap ngn pengetua
''puan pegetua boley suppor sy x?? sy jajji akn harumkan nama sekolah"
kalu aku cakap camni mmg da desprate da ni hahah huh.
''puan pegetua boley suppor sy x?? sy jajji akn harumkan nama sekolah"
kalu aku cakap camni mmg da desprate da ni hahah huh.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
skolah skolah
hey...hey ari ni kat skolah x berape nk ramai orang. kelas aku boley dikire bnyak gak ar yg gi stadium utuk saringan (acare lari) aku x gi sbb ckgu x perlukan khidmat aku pun kat sane (tapi rase sakit ati x dpt gi tu ade ckittt ar) sbb boring duk kat skolah+mengantuk. meera pegy sebenarnye but gedik xnk gi katenye
"biar adil ain,kalu aku gi ko x dpt gi plak"
patu ble x gi die nyesal plak. meera..meera lantak kolah. hari ni aku jage pagar pun mcm x jage (ramai kot owng bertempek kat luar pagar) ape kne mengene???? soo td kat klas sume malas giler nk blaja so time geo aku bantai tdo (owh dammm aku da melanggar ikrar aku jgn tdo dlm klas) tapi nk wat camne ckgu tu ajar best sangat!!! and Jozan xde ar ari ni emmmmm. satu hari aku x cakap ngn dayah sooo nk wat camne?? adoooo dayah cakap jgn tgo die dlm seminggu ni.aku harap bende ni x kekal lame besday kite da dkat da ni.... aku xnk celebrate besday aku tanpe ko... emmmmmmm
"biar adil ain,kalu aku gi ko x dpt gi plak"
patu ble x gi die nyesal plak. meera..meera lantak kolah. hari ni aku jage pagar pun mcm x jage (ramai kot owng bertempek kat luar pagar) ape kne mengene???? soo td kat klas sume malas giler nk blaja so time geo aku bantai tdo (owh dammm aku da melanggar ikrar aku jgn tdo dlm klas) tapi nk wat camne ckgu tu ajar best sangat!!! and Jozan xde ar ari ni emmmmm. satu hari aku x cakap ngn dayah sooo nk wat camne?? adoooo dayah cakap jgn tgo die dlm seminggu ni.aku harap bende ni x kekal lame besday kite da dkat da ni.... aku xnk celebrate besday aku tanpe ko... emmmmmmm
Monday, February 8, 2010

banyak btul perkare aku nk tulis hari ni huh, still memikirkan ape yg sedang berlaku skunk it sooo coplicated why we must create this problem i dont know what 2say... frends?? huh. aku x suke lah x tgo2 ni x best..... the question is why??? dugaan?? yes but sampai ble??? aku nk mcm kite form3 dulu bapak best skunk???? hurmmmmmmm SPM this year and we now 17 years da matang.boleh pikir. This is soo suck. aku harap giler2 ar bende ni x kekal lame ok, sebab aku x suke bersedih2 ni aku da x berape nk happy skunk.... sad..sad..sad emmm. and i hope everything is gonna be ok.Dayah take ur time. bile da camni mulelah aku pikir time dulu2 (ado nk emolah plak ni) huh x nk cakap lagi. it can make me cry seriously!!!!! F.R.E.N.D.S

sabtu lepas de gotong royong (gotong la sgt haha) kelas aku tlh ditetapkan tuk kemas bilik jahitan ( ha bilik ape tuh) hahahahahaha emm mmg ''RAMAI GILER YG DTG". aku time tu ade forum (bkn bertanding but ckgu nk test suare) wahhh aku buat lah gak keje2 pembersihan (anak dara yg sangat rajin itulah nurul ain) bluekk ok soo pagi2 aku sblum gotong royong bermula aku bersihkan kelas lu (bangge ckit aku wat sorang) hahahaa soo berkilat lah kelas tu patu tadi ble dtg skolah kelas sepah balik (nk kne ngn aku dak ptg ni) pundek emm sblum kul 8 sooo aku ngn kwn2 ade photoshoot gambar nyer kat atas photo by aisha lpas gotong royong member klas aku ajk maen badminton kat dewan MBSA but malas punye pasal aku trus balik waktu balik pukul 1.05 minit but kul 10.30 aku da cabut balik malas kut nk tgu.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Bidayatul Hidayah
nape ngn ko???
nape ko tulis status ko camtu??
huh dayah
naape aku komen kat myspace ko x reply??
dayah dyah dayah jgnlah camne
aku syg ko and alsoooooo meera,aida fqah
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Ahli Kadet polis
Kepada semua ahli Kor Kadet Polis
Sile lah bayar duit yuran RM5.00 kpd bendahari, Nurul ain dekat
kelas 5wira (blok A kat sbal bilik music lame)
semua kene bayar
kalau x tidak dikire sebagai
ahli kor
is it clear??
thank you
BBQ time magan2
hey baru balik dari BBQ (kat umah fqah ngn kak asma) emm aku baru tau ari ni, so igt x jd tadi nk join kwn2 aku cuzt aku gi Institut Jantung Negara tadi. x lame (sebab orang yg nk dilawat sudahpun pulang ke rumah) adoi tu lah aku da cakap da ngn ayah aku kol lah pak usu ke makcik zizah ke but ayah aku still kate:
''ala ade tu kat hospital''
last2 hampeh patu time balik plak nk terbuang air kecik lah plak dlm keadaan yg jam plak (mati aku) ,mmg aku x bley duk diam dlm kete td aduhhhh toing!! toing!! haha.aku balik dalam kul 6 lebey ar tu yg dapat join tu gi BBQ kat dpn umah fqah aku gi umah meera lu then baru gi umah fqah (umah diorang dekat2) pundek umah aku ngn zureen je jaoh2. makanan sume sdap ar (ske aku) YES AKU KUAT MAKAN SEJAK AKHIR2 NI (nape??) ske ati ar huhuhu happening ar sbb meera tu kecoh gler gosip!!! gosip!! hahahaha kul 10.30 baru blilk.hahahah
''ala ade tu kat hospital''
last2 hampeh patu time balik plak nk terbuang air kecik lah plak dlm keadaan yg jam plak (mati aku) ,mmg aku x bley duk diam dlm kete td aduhhhh toing!! toing!! haha.aku balik dalam kul 6 lebey ar tu yg dapat join tu gi BBQ kat dpn umah fqah aku gi umah meera lu then baru gi umah fqah (umah diorang dekat2) pundek umah aku ngn zureen je jaoh2. makanan sume sdap ar (ske aku) YES AKU KUAT MAKAN SEJAK AKHIR2 NI (nape??) ske ati ar huhuhu happening ar sbb meera tu kecoh gler gosip!!! gosip!! hahahaha kul 10.30 baru blilk.hahahah
Friday, February 5, 2010
sok forum
hahhahhahahhahah seyes aku x ready
nk cakap ape sok
da lah bru gi tau ari ni
forum!! forum!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
teater owh teater
yup aku x gi audition kat skolah
yes aku takut,neves giler
x pe ar, taun dpan bley cube (anak wayang) but next year mane skolah lagi
adoiiii.tadi nazurah kol.
nazu:ain kat ne
ain:kite kat taman nape??
nazu:jom gi swimming ngn meera
ain:wow jom bler
nazu:sabtu ni
emmmmm hahahahahahahhahah but kite tusyen lah my dear. emm tu je lah tuk hari ni
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Besok ade audition tuk teater skolah emmmmm of course la aku nk sgt pegy taun lpas aku pegy (bagai nk giler aku berlakon) watak sebagai:
- seorang anak yg menatap kematian parents nye (abis air mate aku)
- perempuan yg marah dkt bf nye (cakap tefon sorang2)
- seorang dak pompuan 6 taun baru dapat basikal (aku rase cam owg giler kowt)
- last skali jadi owang cacat hahahaha (watak ni brat gler mmg aku asyik glak je)
fuhh but x terpilih taun lpas but this year i try my best blueeeeeeek hahah Teater emmm best kowt!!! taun lpas member aku yg terpilih eika,dayah,syam (SYAM x gi audition but dapat masuk pundek ayam) hahaha
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
niy lyric lagu mily cyrus la (aku ske lagu ni )
swimming??? hahaha
Kazen aku tingtong
tetibe ajak gi swimming
pe ko nazurah!!!
ape salahnye kan hahah
Best gak
jum!! jum!!
kasi gegar itu kolam renang
love u nurnazurah Binti Azami
Monday, February 1, 2010
Acara saringan
td aku ade saringan tuk acare lontar peluru?? what the hell is this cam pundek je aku kalah sooo what hahaha.asalkan aku da jalankan tanggungjawab hahaha yelah x pnah ade acare aku masuk tetibe palak aku masuk acare taun ni.ha td anak sedare aku daftar skolah kay turun temurun lah ni dulu ckin,patu aku patu fatin palak and maybe lpas ni nisha kut skolah cni hahah nisha (bdak nisha ni da booking awal2 nk skolah kat SMKS19).berbalik pade sukan tadi mmg boring ar seyes aku cakap hahah (patutlah aku kalah) but tuk acare lompat tinggi perempuan kelas 1 hahahahahaha NO 1 beb umah bendahara!!! Bendahara hebat!! huhuacare2 lain aku x tau ar menang ke x yg penting time kat stadium nanti harap2 dak2 yang amik acare lari tu menang ar (jgn lah buat malu ) taun ni kawad tuk badan beruniform x de kenape dong??? tah ar aku x de plak tanye datin nape adoiyai...
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